Exam location options
At ExamOne, we make it convenient for you to complete your exam at a time and location that is most comfortable for you. You have the option to complete your exam in an ExamOne office, a Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Center (PSC) or with a mobile examiner.

Things to consider when scheduling the location of your exam
As a Quest Diagnostics company, ExamOne gives you access to thousands of locations, including Quest Patient Service Centers across the country. The wide range of applicant-friendly exam centers make it convenient to complete your exam when and where it makes sense for your schedule.
Our exam sites have the experienced, committed staff you’ve come to expect from Quest and ExamOne. Plus, the professional medical setting of the Quest Patient Service Center ensures confidence and comfort.
Ask your agent or insurance contact about scheduling your appointment in an exam center. You may also receive an email from ExamOne to schedule your own appointment. The appointment scheduling tool will allow you to schedule at an ExamOne office, Quest Patient Service Center, or with a mobile examiner.
If visiting a Quest Patient Service Center, when checking in for the appointment you can request a text when it’s your turn to come inside for the exam. Of course, you may also stay in our waiting rooms, which are set up for social distancing at both Quest and ExamOne locations.

Find a location near you
This resource will show ExamOne office and Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Centers near you.